
PolyWorks® 2024 in the News

Following the launch of PolyWorks 2024, Marc Soucy, Ph. D., President and co-founder of InnovMetric, spoke to industry media about how the PolyWorks enterprise solution helps manufacturers realize the full potential of their 3D measurement data.
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Carl Zeiss selects PolyWorks as its preferred point cloud software for the EagleEye Navigator

InnovMetric is proud to announce that Carl Zeiss (Industrial Metrology Division) has selected PolyWorks® as its preferred point cloud software to bundle with the Zeiss EagleEye® Navigator sensor system. Under the terms of the agreement, Zeiss will openly market and bundle PolyWorks with the sales of its non-contact metrology systems in Europe. Both partners already enjoy an important market share ...

PolyWorks to play a key role during Discovery’s “Return to Flight” STS-114 mission

On July 26, 2005, the space shuttle Discovery blasted off from NASA's Kennedy Space Centre on a historic mission that marked the shuttle program's first launch in more than two years. During that period, NASA has worked intensively on integrating new technologies to increase the safety of the Discovery shuttle. One major new feature is the addition of a laser camera system (LCS) on the Canadarm. The ...

Exact Metrology teams up with InnovMetric Software to distribute the PolyWorks® software suite

InnovMetric Software is proud to announce that it has recently entered into an agreement with Exact Metrology (Lakewood, IL and Dublin, OH) for the distribution of PolyWorks, InnovMetric’s leading point-cloud-based inspection and reverse-engineering software solution. Under the terms of the agreement, Exact Metrology will distribute the PolyWorks® software suite bundled with 3D digitizing systems ...