
PolyWorks® 2024 in the News

Following the launch of PolyWorks 2024, Marc Soucy, Ph. D., President and co-founder of InnovMetric, spoke to industry media about how the PolyWorks enterprise solution helps manufacturers realize the full potential of their 3D measurement data.
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A Plug-in for the Nikon Laser Radar Device Is Now Available in PolyWorks® V12.1

InnovMetric Software Inc. announced today that it has developed a free plug-in for the Nikon Metrology Laser Radar MV224 and MV330/350 devices. Operated with PolyWorks|Inspector™, this plug-in is fully integrated into version 12.1 of PolyWorks.

New Play Inspection Tool in PolyWorks® V12.1 Adds Automatic Guided Sequences to DirectReplay™

InnovMetric Software Inc. announced today that a new Play Inspection tool, which automatically builds a guided step-by-step sequence to capture 3D datasets of a new piece, has been fully integrated into Phase II of DirectReplay, released in version 12.1 of PolyWorks. 

InnovMetric Sells the 10,000th License of Its Universal 3D Metrology Software Platform PolyWorks®

InnovMetric Software Inc. proudly announced today that it has sold the 10,000th license of its universal 3D metrology software platform PolyWorks since 1996. This license milestone is marked by a PolyWorks | Inspector Probing™ license sold in September 2012 to an American manufacturer as part of a multiple license deal. The relative contribution of the four PolyWorks packages to these license sales ...