
PolyWorks® 2024 in the News

Following the launch of PolyWorks 2024, Marc Soucy, Ph. D., President and co-founder of InnovMetric, spoke to industry media about how the PolyWorks enterprise solution helps manufacturers realize the full potential of their 3D measurement data.
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PolyWorks® 2014 Delivers the First Metrology Grade Laser-Scanning Platform on the Market

To mark its 20th anniversary as an independent, hardware-neutral, 3D metrology software company, InnovMetric Software Inc. is proud to announce the release of PolyWorks 2014, a groundbreaking version of its universal 3D metrology software platform. PolyWorks 2014 brings to the market an industry first: a real-time quality meshing technology that will transform laser scanning. Additionally, it offers ...

InnovMetric launches PolyWorks Japan to expand its universal 3D metrology software sales in Japan

InnovMetric Software Inc. is proud to announce that it has launched PolyWorks Japan KK. This new subsidiary, which started conducting its operations on July 1, 2013, is located in the Minato ward, in Tokyo, Japan.