
InnovMetric Releases PolyWorks® 2024

Enables manufacturers to scale up the use of 3D measurement data enterprisewide by lowering operating costs
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PolyWorks® Sales in Portable Probing Market Increase by 71% in Past Fiscal Year

InnovMetric Software is proud to announce that in its past fiscal year from April 2009 to March 2010, its worldwide sales of PolyWorks/Inspector Probing™ licenses have increased by 71%. During the same period of time, several automotive OEMs in North America and Europe have purchased significant numbers of PolyWorks/Inspector Probing licenses with the purpose of deploying one universal 3D metrology ...

New PolyWorks® training facility in Western United States

Following a strong growth of PolyWorks users in Western USA in recent years, InnovMetric Software’s business partner 3D Infotech is proud to announce the opening of a PolyWorks training facility in Irvine, California. Starting in February 2010, a team of PolyWorks Application Specialists will provide regional classroom trainings on various PolyWorks modules throughout the year to new and advanced ...