
PolyWorks® 2024 in the News

Following the launch of PolyWorks 2024, Marc Soucy, Ph. D., President and co-founder of InnovMetric, spoke to industry media about how the PolyWorks enterprise solution helps manufacturers realize the full potential of their 3D measurement data.
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PolyWorks|Talisman(TM) Brings a Measurement Session in the Palm of your Hand

A talisman is “an object considered to possess magical powers”. InnovMetric Software is pleased to announce that PolyWorks® V12 will offer a talisman of its own targeted at users of laser scanning and tactile probing devices who need to operate 3D metrology hardware away from their computers. The new PolyWorks/Talisman application running on iPod touch®, iPhone®, and iPad® mobile computing ...

PolyWorks® V12 Integrates the New DirectReplay(TM) Re-Measurement Technology into its Universal 3D Metrology Platform

InnovMetric Software is pleased to announce that the version 12 of PolyWorks incorporates the new DirectReplay technology that dramatically simplifies multi-piece inspection tasks performed with any point cloud digitizer or tactile probing device. Other metrology products traditionally offer teaching modes to automate a multi-piece inspection task. Teaching modes generally record user operations performed ...