
PolyWorks® 2024 in the News

Following the launch of PolyWorks 2024, Marc Soucy, Ph. D., President and co-founder of InnovMetric, spoke to industry media about how the PolyWorks enterprise solution helps manufacturers realize the full potential of their 3D measurement data.
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InnovMetric reports 35% PolyWorks® sales growth for fiscal year 2015

InnovMetric Software Inc., the leading provider of universal 3D metrology software solutions, today announced that worldwide demand for the PolyWorks® universal 3D metrology software platform, in fiscal year 2015 (ending March 31, 2016), led to a 35% global sales revenue increase compared to the previous fiscal year. This growth was fueled by all-time record sales of nearly 3,000 licenses of PolyWorks.

PolyWorks® 2016 delivers a universal 3D metrology workflow

InnovMetric Software Inc., the leading provider of universal 3D metrology software solutions, today announced the launch of PolyWorks® 2016, the latest release of the company’s universal 3D metrology software platform. PolyWorks 2016 fully supports probing and laser scanning on stationary CNC CMMs, and delivers a truly universal 3D metrology workflow that will allow users to operate any type of ...

InnovMetric and business partner launch PolyWorks Benelux

InnovMetric Software Inc. proudly announces the launch of PolyWorks Benelux, a joint venture created with a local business partner to market the PolyWorks® Universal 3D Metrology Software Platform™ to the region's diversified manufacturing industry.