
PolyWorks® 2024 in the News

Following the launch of PolyWorks 2024, Marc Soucy, Ph. D., President and co-founder of InnovMetric, spoke to industry media about how the PolyWorks enterprise solution helps manufacturers realize the full potential of their 3D measurement data.
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InnovMetric Releases PolyWorks® Collaborative Suite 2019

InnovMetric Software Inc. today announced the launch of the 2019 release of the PolyWorks Collaborative Suite. With this release, InnovMetric is excited to unveil the new PolyWorks|ReportLoop™ for Excel solution, a product that digitally interconnects the PolyWorks Metrology Suite to Microsoft Excel to inject smart 3D inspection data within customers’ corporate inspection reports. PolyWorks|ReportLoop™ ...

InnovMetric Launches PolyWorks® Metrology Suite 2019

InnovMetric Software Inc., the leading provider of universal 3D metrology software solutions, today announced the launch of the 2019 release of the PolyWorks Metrology Suite. This latest major release delivers new object measurement scripts that open the door to all the custom measurement techniques of clients within the standard PolyWorks workflow, as well as a new assisted sequencing approach that ...

PolyWorks® 2015 offers a new plug-in for the Surphaser long-range laser scanner

InnovMetric Software Inc. is pleased to announce that the latest intermediate release of PolyWorks 2015 offers a new plug-in that captures spherical point cloud grids measured by the Surphaser HSX long-range laser scanning devices, manufactured by Basis Software. PolyWorks 2015 IR7 allows its users to connect directly to a Surphaser device through a PolyWorks dialog box, enabling them to: